Stephanie Alderdice
"What Do You Mean By, 'Debate Like a Girl?'"
- Jul 2, 2014
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Stephanie Alderdice
"Debate Like a Girl" T-Shirt Fundraising Progress
- Jul 2, 2014
- 4n6
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- Congressional Debate
- Congressional Debate Pro
- debate
- forensics
- Lincoln-Douglas
- Policy Debate
- Public Forum Debate
- speech
Stephanie Alderdice
Exclusive Gift for SpeechGeek Fans At the NSDA National Tournament Vendor Expo
- Jun 9, 2014
- #Nats14
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- forensics
- Nationals
- NFL Nationals
- NSDA Nationals
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- Vendor Expo
Stephanie Alderdice
A Sort of Homecoming
- Mar 13, 2014
- A Sort of Homecoming
- Debate
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- Speech
Stephanie Alderdice
From Pinning to Winning: 10 Ways Pinterest Can Help You Succeed In Forensics
- Jun 26, 2013
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