
Share information about your blog with your customers. Describe the type of content people can expect to find.

S Stephanie Alderdice

"What Do You Mean By, 'Debate Like a Girl?'"

  • Jul 2, 2014
  • 4n6
  • advocacy
  • briefs
  • Congressional Debate
  • debate
  • debate resolutions
  • forensics
  • LD
  • Limited Prep
  • Lincoln Douglas
  • national tournament
  • Nationals
  • Persuasion
  • Policy Debate
  • Public Forum Debate
  • speech
S Stephanie Alderdice

"Debate Like a Girl" T-Shirt Fundraising Progress

  • Jul 2, 2014
  • 4n6
  • Coaching
  • Congressional Debate
  • Congressional Debate Pro
  • debate
  • forensics
  • Lincoln-Douglas
  • Policy Debate
  • Public Forum Debate
  • speech
S Stephanie Alderdice

SpeechGeek Market Interp Publishers Information

  • Jul 1, 2014
  • 4n6
  • Coaching
  • Duo
  • forensics
  • Grand Nationals
  • H.I.
  • Humorous Interp
  • individual events
  • Interp
  • Interp Scripts
  • interpretation
  • ISBN
  • ISSN
  • literature
  • Mushroom Cloud Press
  • National Catholic Forensic League
  • National Forensic League
  • national tournament
  • NFL
  • NFL Nationals
  • oral interp
  • performing
  • poetry
  • POI
  • Publications
  • Publishing
  • speech
  • SpeechGeek
  • SpeechGeek Market
  • Store News
  • Tibetan Treefrog Publishing
  • Tools
  • Tournaments
  • University Interscholastic League
  • vendors
  • Verification
S Stephanie Alderdice

Exclusive Gift for SpeechGeek Fans At the NSDA National Tournament Vendor Expo

  • Jun 9, 2014
  • #Nats14
  • #SpeechGeek
  • 4n6
  • Debate
  • forensics
  • Nationals
  • NFL Nationals
  • NSDA Nationals
  • speech
  • Vendor Expo
S Stephanie Alderdice

Motivational Movies: Why We're Watching "The Lego Movie" Before Nationals

  • May 21, 2014
  • 4n6
  • Debate Nationals
  • forensics
  • individual events
  • National Catholic Forensic League
  • National Forensic League
  • national tournament
  • Nationals
  • NCFL Nationals
  • NFL Nationals
  • speech
  • Watch This
Showing 1 of 7