The RFD Files

The RFD files are a collaboration of 4 cases, 40 pieces of evidence from prestigious law reviews and databases, an in-depth topic analysis that provides ideas for strategies and cases for rounds, and definitions that are all in one place and easily accessible. 

These files are distributed to the customer via email, and they can distribute the files to their students however they would like to. 

Each issue has refreshing ideas and strategies in regard to the newest topic that is released. Further, the files are applicable for debaters in all stages- Novice, Junior Varsity and Varsity. 

Novices can use cases in order to develop and implement their skills. Junior Varsity can use the evidence in order to construct cases with their own frameworks, whether they be philosophically or empirically justified. Varsity debaters can use the topic analysis and derive ideas that allow them to see what both the affirmative and negative are prepared to do in the round. 

The RFD Files guarantee your debaters success like no other file, for a reasonable price!. 

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