Champion Briefs Debate Brief Samples - SpeechGeek Market

Champion Briefs Debate Brief Samples

  • Champion Briefs
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Our briefs:

·      Include topic analyses by well-known and successful former debaters

·      Have no filler or irrelevant information

·      Are written by 1st- and 2nd-year outs (Debaters who competed less than two years ago)

·      Include multiple answers for each argument and multiple warrants for each answer

·      Use a variety of different types or arguments and answers to provide the most diverse argument bank possible

Here at Champion Briefs, we prioritize your success above all else.  All of our writers know how to win rounds and know how to help you do the same.  Unlike other briefs, we aren’t afraid to tell you exactly who writes our briefs (visit to read about our staff) because our staff is comprised of champions.  We believe that providing you with arguments and answers, rather than just cut cards, is better for you because this format is easier to use in and out of rounds.  Most other briefs only provide a limited number of warrants for each of their partially formed arguments. This is not useful in rounds.  Our briefs include multiple warrants for each argument and answer, because we know that diversity of evidence ensures strength of your argumentation.  Modern Public Forum cases include frameworks that explain how the judge should handle the round.  Our briefs include possible frameworks and how to use them properly.  Our briefs are designed to give you every advantage possible and we hope that you will utilize us to help you win more rounds.

This download contains a sample Public Forum debate brief and a sample NSDA Lincoln Douglas brief.


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