iDNAtity Crisis by John Pete - SpeechGeek Market

iDNAtity Crisis by John Pete

  • SpeechGeek
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After being bitten by a spider during a yoga class, Peter thinks he has discovered his true identity: Spider-Man! But will an at-home DNA testing kit reveal the truth, or will it reveal a nefarious plot by an evil scientist? The answer is YES.

According to Newsweek from April 2, 2018, nearly half of at-home DNA test turn out to be wrong. Which explains why Ancestry . com’ s slogan of “Discover what makes you” recently changed to “(shrug) your guess is as good as ours.” For Peter, the heroic quest to discover his identity is plagued with the annoying reality that our genes tell us very little about who we really are...unless, of course, your jeans have rhinestones on them, then we know EXACTLY who you are. iDNAtity Crisis by Jonathan Pete

Humorous Interpretation

ISBN:  978-1-61387-119-5



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