Paradigm Research Policy Debate: BLOX CX Novice Package - SpeechGeek Market

Paradigm Research Policy Debate: BLOX CX Novice Package

  • Paradigm Research
$299 $400 /
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4 “Specially Selected” Affirmatives

               #2 – Business Records

               #4 -  Electronic Communications

               #5 – FISA Oversight

               #6 – FISA Procedural Reform

2 Disadvantage Books

               #1 - Domestic Tradeoff DAs

               #3 – Security DAs

3 Negative Case Books

               #1 – Advantage Negatives

               #2 – FISA Reform Negatives

               #3 – Mechanism Negatives

2 Impact Debate Books

#1 – Democracy & Rights Impacts

#3 – Terrorism & Int'l Law Impacts

Debating Politics

Debating Topicality

Theory Blocks

Topic Counterplans

BLOX is your online library for debate. This is online done right - the very best topic briefs for debaters from the Paradigm catalog. BLOX is filled with ready-to-run arguments available to your entire squad every hour of every day. It’s the easy way to provide your favorite briefed handbooks from the Paradigm catalog to ALL of the members of your squad without the trouble of deciding what to copy for who and who has what material. And, if you lose a page of something, you have your master BLOX library from which to retrieve the lost block.

BLOX is “not” an endless database. There’s no need to hunt through a pile of evidence to force arguments together to use in debates. BLOX is the ideal - a library of our best ready-to-run blocks for CX, LD and Public Forum debate. BLOX is great because the best way to deliver great research, as usual, is the simple way.

It’s a member’s-only web site with a series of PDF files which you can view online or download to your own computer. The PDF files can be viewed using the FREE Adobe reader (available from Your account password can be used - though not simultaneously - by every member of your squad from home, at school, or on the road. They can download all they want - again and again - and if they lose something, it’s still there. The BLOX system requires only normal browser software and an everyday internet connection. It’s easy, filled with quality content, and it’s there whenever you need it. It is exactly what you need.

BLOX resides on the Paradigm web site ( - visit our web site and follow the links to log-in to your BLOX library.

It’s better than 6000 cards in more than 1000 ready-to-run blocks for CX debate - affirmative cases, disadvantages, counterplans, impact & agent positions, kritiks and lots more. You can add-on materials for LD and Public Forum debate too. It’s the absolute best one-stop debate library anywhere.


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