The Forensics Files Debate Briefs Samples - SpeechGeek Market

The Forensics Files Debate Briefs Samples

  • The Forensics Files
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Mission Statement -- As members of the forensics community, we believe that, to preserve the educational and competitive qualities of high school speech and debate events, each school should have access to the highest quality of evidence available. Because we feel that speech and debate events get students more involved in their communities, increase their knowledge of the world they live in, and develop skills they will need in life, we ultimately hope to get more schools involved in speech and debate, and to increase the involvement of less active schools.

Our LD files are uniquely beneficial to teachers and students by allowing students to debate immediately upon receiving their files.

In each file we guarantee:

-Four Cases - Unlike most other companies’ files, our files are “cut for time” so that students can read them in the given speech time, preparing them for the conditions of an actual LD debate. This allows students of all experience to make immediate use of the files for practice debates. Our files contain cases with original analysis and are designed to be progressive enough for modern debate while embracing the spirit of classic debate to appeal to a maximum number of judges. Each case comes with their own preflow to reduce the amount of practice time spent preflowing and to spend more practice time debating.

-Topic Overview - Specific and comprehensive analysis of the topic, cases, and strategies both sides can use while discussing arguments they will need to address.

-50 Additional Cards – Extensions are included from books, journals, law reviews, magazines, and think tanks that any debater could use to write their own cases, supplement the cases we offer, or to write blocks.

-Blocks – Our files also contain pre written blocks students can immediately use against common arguments.

-Four Rebuttal Overviews – These assist the novice in mastering the rebuttal speech.

Our files contain everything a student needs to start debating immediately so they can master the event sooner and win faster. Unlike quote books our files are original, educational, and functional. You cannot get better files than The Forensics Files!

This product contains the September 2012 PF brief, the September/October 2012 NSDA (NFL) LD Brief,  and the Spring 2012 UIL LD file.


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