The "How to" of Debate - FREE SAMPLE - SpeechGeek Market

The "How to" of Debate - FREE SAMPLE

  • The "How to" of Debate
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This policy debate textbook takes students from complete beginners to knowledgeable intermediates in 15 easy chapters (124 pages + full index). 

The book begins with a non-threatening introduction to basic skills, such as flowing, speaking, and researching. Beginners will learn the core idea of parametrics theory in the chapters on cases and plans. 

Building on this foundation, novices will easily see the logic of each negative position (CP, DA, K, T). Intermediate debaters will find the checklists of affirmative responses to each position invaluable "cheat sheets". 

The final chapters give guidance for judge adaptation, working with a partner, and getting the most out of practice rounds. The style of this book is readable, using proper terminology without excess jargon. 

The author, Russell Hanes, was an eight-year policy debater and has been coaching debate for the last decade.


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