Winning LD Debate Tournaments Textbook and Workbook from The Forensics Files - SpeechGeek Market

Winning LD Debate Tournaments Textbook and Workbook from The Forensics Files

  • The Forensics Files
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This 155-page textbook is written in a way to make it extremely accessible to the novice debater. It is in a question and answer format and breaks LD debate down to the most fundamental level and gradually builds it up again to the advanced level of LD debate. This is a book that runs the gauntlet of LD topics from the very basics of LD debate, to proper etiquette, to case writing, to clashing, to judge adaptation, to advanced tips, complete with a workbook and glossary! This textbook provides vocabulary words, additionally captioned images, random trivia and facts that help to make the learning of LD fun. The purpose of this book is to provide a practical text for the modern debater and it succeeds.


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